Join now for the common player e sports chanllege and win price money of 25000/- The freefire e sports challenge was conducted for every six months . the entry fee to join was just 100 rs
The first price was 25,000
The second price was 10,000/-
The third price was 5,000 /- /-
Register for the competetioln with 100/- per squad . we will contact you and notify you when was your match . Each match was a knock out match . On an average you will fight with 5-10 squads . No professional players are allowed . Only the accounts with level less than 70 is allowed . The price money may vary from tournament to tournament depending on the numebr of registrations .
On top of the site you can see the register button . click on it and register with your credentials . After the sucessfull payment and registration , our team will contact you and inform you , about your application and your matches schedule After sucessfull registraion make sure you check your email adress for the update .
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